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Earth is Not Just for Humans: Illegal Wildlife Trade

Illegal wildlife trade has emerged as a major global crisis. Its consequences are devastating to biodiversity and ecosystems around the world. In India, this illegal industry has turned into a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. It is fueled by high demand for exotic pets, traditional medicine ingredients and luxury wildlife products.

Surprisingly, illegal wildlife trade is estimated to be worth between $7-23 billion annually. It is the fourth-largest international crime after drugs, human trafficking and counterfeiting. More than 1,800 species are protected in India under the Wildlife Protection Act 1972. Yet, the trade continues unabated

Poaching of iconic species such as elephants, tigers and rhinoceroses has reached alarming levels. Their populations are declining rapidly. Lesser-known species such as pangolins, the most trafficked mammal in the world, are also heavily targeted. Over 1 million have been killed in the last 15 years.

Traditional Chinese medicine, which uses tiger bones and rhino horns, is a major driver of the illegal wildlife trade in Asia. The exotic pet trade helps capture countless birds, reptiles and primates from the wild. Poverty and lack of livelihood options in source countries fuel poaching and trafficking. Corruption, weak enforcement and low penalties enable wildlife offenders to operate with impunity.

Overexploitation of wildlife disrupts ecosystems and can lead to population collapse and even species extinction. Deforestation for the wildlife trade contributes to climate change. The loss of key species such as elephants and tigers can have widespread impacts on the health and resilience of forests.

India has strengthened its wildlife laws and enforcement. International agreements such as CITES regulate the global wildlife trade, but challenges remain. Demand reduction campaigns aim to change consumer behaviour. Engaging local communities as custodians of wildlife and providing alternative livelihoods are crucial for long-term solutions.

Despite these efforts, the illegal wildlife trade continues to thrive, driven by insatiable demand and supported by criminal networks. Urgent action is needed to close smuggling routes, reduce consumer demand and promote sustainable alternatives. The stakes have never been higher for the survival of countless species and the health of our planet.


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