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Confronting the Stigma of Caste among Hindus in India

After so much of evolution in India post-independence, even today, the stigma of caste among Hindus in India is a significant issue, specially in rural areas and smaller cities, although it has diminished in urban environments due to modernization, westernization and economic development. The repercussions of caste-based discrimination are severe affecting from social mobility to access of resources and consequently leading to social segregation.

Caste often determines socioeconomic status, with lower castes historically having less access to economic opportunities, education, and healthcare. We still see, interactions between different castes to be limited in certain areas perpetuating a lack of understanding and empathy between communities.

At its worst, caste discrimination many a times leads to violence including honor killings and caste based violence during communal conflicts.

In such a society, our politicians benefit a lot by appealing to caste sentiments to mobilize voters, promising policies that would never favor specific castes from whom they are getting votes. By promoting caste divisions, political leaders prevent the formation of larger coalitions that might challenge and question their power.

Apart from these politicians, the influence of Leftist Lobbies/Leftist groups in India often address caste issues as part of their broader agenda against social injustices. They benefit from focusing on caste disparities by mostly advocating for lower castes and marginalized communities.

These leftist parties build a loyal base of support among those who "feel" disenfranchised.

Addressing caste issues helps promoting broader leftist ideologies related to equality, social justice, and sometimes anti-capitalism (however, they themselves are not anti-capitalist)

Achieving unity among Hindus is the most important thing people have to focus today. Caste issue is an identity issue for Hindus community in India and has to be solved only through achieving unity while addressing the deep-rooted issue of caste which involves several strategic and empathetic approaches.

Misled people have to be educated about the shared cultural and spiritual heritage of Hinduism that goes beyond the caste distinctions. This includes "reforming" curriculum to highlight unity and shared values.

Society has to take a step forward and encourage dialogues and interactions between different castes at community events through social gathering and within educational institutes to foster a sense of brotherhood.

Influential leaders, mystics and pundits can play a crucial role in changing perceptions by openly addressing caste based discrimination and promoting inclusivity. Strengthening and enforcing laws that prevent caste based discrimination and promote equality can help change societal norms. 

Question remains how can we change the subconscious perceptions of caste in India?

Often exposure to dantkathas, correct interpretation of religious epics, stories, media, and examples of inter-caste cooperation and success can reshape the existing perceptions. Important figures/celebs from various castes who stand for unity and speak against caste divisions can have a powerful influence.

We have to promote cultural practices that welcomes all castes such as common festivals or rituals that encourage participation from all community members irrespective of caste. Gatherings primarily in temples and halls in Holi, Bihu, Durga Puja, Diwali, Pongal, Onam etc. can be the best way to make this happen.

Today the caste system's impact has lessened in many urban areas but its deep rooted influence still affects millions of people. Overcoming these challenges requires united efforts from all sectors of society, including political, religious, and civic leaders, to promote a more inclusive and unified approach.

Written By: Vishal Sharma


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