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The Call: A Reunion to Remember

The Plan

It was the 2nd of August, 2024, a Friday, and as usual, Noida was bustling with traffic, giving off the typical weekend rush vibe.

My sister and I had just come to a café for some snacks, breaking the monotony of our usual dal chawal lunches.

I was in a hurry, eager to meet my college roommate, Joseph, who had returned to India after a long time. I was also expecting another old roommate, Sheetal. Back in college, we had shared a room and spent countless nights, gossiping, and having fun, never worrying much about our careers. Little did we know then that life would keep us apart for the next eight years.

I was telling my sister how these clever guys had suddenly made plans while I was in the middle of my fourth-semester MBA exams at college in Kerala.

I, too, was thrilled to see my long-lost friends, and we had even planned a trip to Himachal.

There had been a lot of news about landslides in Himachal at the time. Sheetal didn’t seem to care much, but Joseph was hesitant, especially after my sister called him, advising us to reconsider the trip.

Joseph respected her opinion and suggested that I come over to Sheetal’s flat near the golf course, where we could decide later.

I grabbed an auto, sweating with excitement to meet these guys. Honestly, I was more excited about the reunion than the trip itself.

As soon as I arrived at Sheetal’s flat, all my emotions and excitement surged as I was finally reunited with my buddies after eight long years. We reminisced about the good old days, recalling both funny and awkward moments. We quickly decided to hit a club to enjoy the night.

However, the question of the trip still lingered—if not Himachal, then where? Out of nowhere, Joseph exclaimed, “How about Kashmir?”

Sheetal and I exchanged glances, pausing for a moment to consider. Then Sheetal mentioned that he had some contacts in Kashmir and could arrange accommodation and food at a reasonable price. Without wasting any time, Joseph booked the flights, ensuring we wouldn’t have a chance to back out or overthink the plan again.

With everything arranged, it was time to inform my sister and my family.

About Kashmir:

Kashmir is often hailed as "Heaven on Earth" for its breathtaking beauty & snow capped mountains, serene lakes, and vibrant meadows. The majestic beauty of Dal Lake, Mughal gardens, and the Himalayas creates a paradise that travelers dream of experiencing. However, the region is also marked by conflict, with a heavy military presence due to decades of unrest. Since the revocation of Article 370 in 2019, the political climate has been tense, and ongoing security concerns have discouraged many tourists.

Kashmir has been a heavily insurgent area, with numerous military operations aimed at eliminating militants and restoring peace. The government hoped to boost tourism, but ongoing security concerns drastically reduced the number of visitors. Recently, in June 2024, there was a militant attack in the Reasi district of Jammu, which only heightened concerns about safety in the region.

Despite these risks, we were drawn to Kashmir’s unique charm & Sheetal's local contacts, assured us that the tourist areas remained safe. The promise of stunning landscapes, fewer crowds, and an unforgettable story made the decision clear: Kashmir was calling.

Back to the Story:

My sister was well aware of the political situation in Kashmir, at least on a broader level, and she was even more alarmed by this plan than our earlier idea of visiting Himachal. The news of floods and landslides had already made her uneasy, but Kashmir's situation seemed far more dangerous.

She immediately asked me to cancel my ticket and come back, but I reassured her, saying, "I’ll be with my friends. If anything goes wrong, I’ll catch the next available flight." This didn’t fully convince her, but she felt somewhat assured that I wasn’t traveling alone.

My father wasn’t particularly worried; he just told me to be careful and return safely.

After all that, we headed to Noida in an e-rickshaw, which reminded me of the times we used to go to GIP Mall from our college flat. GIP was the biggest and most popular mall in Noida about ten years ago.

We spent the night at the club, dancing, and enjoying ourselves until it closed down.

Back at Sheetal’s place, we stayed up late till 4 'o' clock, gossiping, laughing, and getting excited for our adventurous trip to Kashmir the next day.

In the morning, we woke up feeling nostalgic, recalling our college days when waking up was always followed by random discussions, almost like an episode of Bigg Boss. With music playing, we packed our bags, booked a cab, and headed to the airport.

Joseph seemed particularly happy, grooving to his favorite tracks as we made our way. Finally, we reached the airport, boarded the flight, and were off to Kashmir.

And then, just as we were about to take off, Sheetal got the call.

The voice on the other end would change everything, leaving me questioning whether this trip was about to become our greatest adventure or something entirely different.

But that’s a story for another day. And remember the name Hilal—he’s a key character who will be introduced in the next part.


  1. "What a fantastic reunion! Kashmir was the perfect backdrop for catching up after all these years. Can’t wait for our next adventure!"


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